Pro Story #2

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"Numerous Citations," The Second Thing I Got Paid To Write

I'm actually more proud of this story than I was my first.  I mean, the first was funny and had action and all that good stuff, but this second, this talks about things I actually believe in.  Deals with ideas and reasons and causes in the real world and everything.  Just like good SF is supposed to do.  Of course, it's no doubt puerile and ham-fisted, but at least it's a good start, right?

Professional Published Versions (I Got Paid!)

This, of course, is the Analog web page with my story listed.  Yay!  The $1,060 this story brought in was pretty much gone before the check arrived, of course (the drawbacks of being a one-income household), but it was still a good little boost.
This nice gentleman expressed some doubt about the feasibility, but at least he said it was a good story.  Well, he also called my computer implants in the story "all-knowing," which I don't think is really the point.  Plus, he didn't like two stories in that issue that I thought were pretty good, therefore adjust expectations accordingly.  Still, I like it when people like my work.
This review is my absolute favorite, not only because it reads my intentions so correctly, but it says beautiful things about how I manage to pull it off. I'm honored by the review, and now I have something to live up to.