Pro Story #1

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"Improbable Times," The First Thing I Got Paid To Write

So, this page details links to my first actual published work.  At my wife's request, I will also be adding links to good reviews, or bad reviews.  Reviews that say nothing of import whatsoever about my stories, and reviews that get significant facts wrong, will be ignored.  Look 'em up on your own time, if you really must.

I originally thought I'd do one page for everything I wrote, but swiftly realized that my vast ego would never be sated in such a wimpy manner.  Bwa-ha-ha-ha! 

Professional Published Versions (I Got Paid!)

My first story, sold to my favorite short-story periodical, for $350.  Some years ago, they had an article detailing every Analog author, from back in the Astounding days, and I looked at that list, and I looked at the number of stories submitted by some of the famous names, and I thought, "I can write that many good stories."  So maybe I won't be submitting all of them to Analog, but I do have a goal.
A short review, but it did say it was a "very funny" story, which is what I was going for, after all.  So, thanks!
Probably my favorite review, not only because it says nice things about me (though it does), but also because it compares the story to Douglas Adams -- favorably.  Very well-written, about my bit and the others, as well.  This review also led to my first resale of a story.
Just stumbled across this years after the fact, but it's a nice little precis' of the plot.  Tips a particular detail I would have liked to keep a surprise, but since the author called the story "hilarious," I'll cut him or her some slack.
I was hesitant to put this one in, as it not only misspells the main character's nickname, but also misses the joke that's told in the very second line.  I can't respect that kind of blatant lack of easy fact-checking.  However, it's because of that very ineptness that I ought to include it; it's an example of why you shouldn't pay a whole lot of attention to reviewers in general.

Check it out... Japanese Analog fans!  I can't read it, but I'm assuming it's good.  There's a couple of other Japanese sites out there, including a comprehensive author listing with each of their works, but this is the only link I'm providing here, largely because I can't read Internet Japanese (or any other Japanese, for that matter).

Reprints (I Still Got Paid! Again!)

One of the reviewers of my first story thought it would fit with her forthcoming webzine, and paid me $30 for the reprint rights.  I said, damn, I'm already getting resale value out of this thing!  And then I accepted.  Not just because she gave me a positive review, but it didn't hurt.
Tangent Online reviewed the Town Drunk version of my story, and it went over even better the second time around.  Cool!  Now, if I can get it reprinted somewhere else, it ought to win an award or something.