E. Mark Mitchell -- The Website

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Greetings, Visitors!

I have obtained this free website (with its useful built-in page-building tools) to help me organize my various web information. Between reviews and publications, photo sites, blogs, and so forth, it can be difficult to keep everything straight. This website will help. At least, that is the intention.

I apologize for the pop-up advertisements, if you are seeing any. I did not know they were going to be so ever-present when I first signed on with this service. However, I've got so much coded into this site, it's more trouble to move than it is to work with the ads. So I apologize, but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

I am a full-time parent and office monkey, part-time writer, living in Chicago, IL, USA, The Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy.  I have a Lovely Wife George, a gorgeous daughter, Gaz, and a gigantic library of movies and reading material.

I enjoy writing just about anything, and would love collaborating on the right project.  Fiction is clearly one of my strengths, but I'm pretty good with non-fiction, as far as I've experimented with it.  Film is also a passion of mine, both watching and reading about and writing scripts for.  My first dabblings in the script format were concieved as stage plays, so I'm generally comfortable with that format, as well.  Basically, if you've got a project, I'm willing to consider it, preferably for a cut of the profits, but some good causes or interesting challenges might earn some pro bono work.

Why Is There So Little Here?

The short answer is, I'm still at the beginning of my writing career.  The even shorter answer: I'm lazy. 

I am attempting to keep everything organized and properly annotated.  It's an ongoing process, but I find it amusing.  Please feel free to comment; I can't promise your comments will change anything, but it's good to hear them.

Other Sources of Information

The Town Drunk still has the reprint of "Improbable Times" up. You can get the link on my Professional Page for that story. At least, I hope the link still works. If you haven't read it yet, now's your chance.

I have established a MySpace page, to make myself a bit more findable on this here Interblag system. In fact, I'm very stalled in the process of moving any and all essays/philosophical works over to the blogging function there. Come visit!  So far all I've gotten are offers from strange women to have me add them as friends, and I don't actually think they're sincere...